Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Cross System

Another blog post for tonight! You might be wondering why the title is 'The Cross System' . You'll find it out in a little while:)

It was just another friday for me. But not the usual friday really. Had our card day in the morning, then NAT review, and the best part, UNPLANNED BONDING WITH FRIENDS! :) I don't why but hang outs that are unplanned ALWAYS turns out to be the best!! :)

I was kinda lazy to think of what to wear that day so i hurriedly got the first thing i saw when I opened the cabinet :) 


The reason for the title :) wore cross accessories :)

and of couuurse ...

Meet my girlfrieeends! ;))) we lack though.. Still we're ALMOST complete:) Really had fun with these people. Hoping for more UNPLANNED events soon with theeem! <3

much love, xx


here comes another post which should have been made months months ago :)) everything's back to reality now. Christmas break is over and school once again keeps me busy College preppers, i guess? hahahaha  Thank God for this free time :)

We had our perf. task just last 2012 (HAHA i guess the word 'just' is not that appropriate in there) where we had to create an inclined chair. And where do we often see those kind of chairs? BEACH. Well that was for our group. So, my outfit goes with the theme :)

Since the theme was about beach, I decided to go for a hawaiian outfit. I just love how this skirt makes me look like I'm tall :)) Guess I'll be wearing long skirts more often now... hmmm ;)))

With the Rochellyyy again! hahahah we had to take turns in having an outfit shot that time! My Blog partner! Vist her blog too!;)

much love, xx

A new look.

So I am dedicating this blog post to my ever so loving friend;)) Rochelle Gementiza. As you can see my blog has its new look now. All thanks to her!:) without her html skills, my blog will be forever be a black and white .hahahaha! thanks rochellyy! Visit her blog too! 
Click here ==> THE STYLE IDIOM .

much love, xx